(2013.Mar.18 01:02 PM)Duchbag69 Wrote: (2013.Mar.18 08:37 AM)Maccleod Wrote: " . Create a lending system initially used for buying housing. This way players can lend money for housing knowing it can't be used for anything else."
Seems like a total waste of time to me, we have weapon categories for headbutt/ weapon strike that are empty, the past promise of new crimes . Or what about ANY new content ? Yet your going to waste time pandering to the tiny amount of players who go into loan sharking and get burnt, if your greedy/stupid enough to loan out your housing cash for massive intrest payments then you take the risk.
my guess is that this would cut down on 85% of the mails he has to deal with a day
They should be ignored, his duties are..
Duties: AL Programmer
Not a shoulder to cry on for greedy loan sharks.
In saying that if this happens than feel free to hit me up for housing loans at massive amounts interest per week