Official Code Change : Gang Wars
2007.Jul.11, 10:46 AM
Post: #201
WAR! What is it good for?

Absolutely nothing!

Say it again!
2007.Jul.11, 10:47 AM
Post: #202
"What would be great is if the super nintendo could play all of the sega genesis games."

I challenge you to try to fit those rounded genesis cartridges into the rectangular SNES slot! I'll take bets you can't! I'll give great odds to anyone wanting to take this bet! I'm talking 50:1 payouts here, folks...
2007.Jul.11, 11:12 AM
Post: #203
I like the Genesis / SNES analogy, but...

With the old code you could bring your game back home and since your older sibling wanted to play it instead you got to sit there and do nothing while they got to play. At least now there is a second controller.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin
2007.Jul.11, 11:26 AM
Post: #204
you can have your Genesis / SNES were only one or maybe two people could play, I will stick with my Xbox 360 live were as long as you have one online everyone who is playing can win a game.
2007.Jul.11, 12:21 PM
Post: #205
It would be nice to get a few more points for a victory. It seems like it is gonna take at least 10 victories for one upgrade. Thats a lot of wars. I like warring, but I also like days off to do some crimes.
2007.Jul.11, 02:30 PM
Post: #206
OK put it this way under the old system if a bigger stronger gang wanted a lot of your respect you could expect to have a long stay in hospital, up to a few hours. Under this system if you are hospitalised then its really only going to be once. A way around it of course is to buy plenty of stims.

Conrad attacked the Wranglers and Lost.

Fighting Phish since 2007
2007.Jul.11, 03:18 PM
Post: #207
So wars are useless, I don't agree but... Weren't they before too? Respect has never gave anything to any1 nor did it affect any part of the game.

How bout if (on top of Zen saying she might increase the points won in wars) we had some winnings? I think this would really bring back the drama, challenge and fun some have said they miss. Give other rewards on top of bonus points. Cash, credits if needed (not really a good idea if you ask me though) or even bring back respect points but give them a use, something minimal but a use.

From what I understand, they want the old drama back and being able to attack (wasn't why it was changed in the first place?!?!) so bring some of it back, in a different way.

And for the bonus points, increase it as you see fit Zen, then add a bonus if the war is long and hard between 2 gangs that are actually there to fight.

No idea how you could code something like this but I'm just trying to throw ideas out here.
2007.Jul.11, 05:38 PM
Post: #208
I like the idea of not losing your gang number one. Two, I agree the points won should be doubled at least. Three, if you dont want to war, dont lose anything as long as you arent hosp..and if you arent fighting back...why would they hosp you. I like the code, I just think the points should be increased and be on some sliding scale...time won, difficulty, number of hits required for instance Smile

2007.Jul.11, 05:39 PM
Post: #209
You guys seem to be missing one of my points. In the old system a strong gang had nothing to gain by attacking a weak gang. There was no reason for a gang with an average level of 20 to attack a gang with an average level of 8. They wouldn't gain any respect. Now a gang with really strong members can rip through any weaker gang like before but now there's incentive to. They get rewarded for it. If you're telling me they can't you're clueless. All you have to do is hospitalize everyone that's online and beat the crap out of them. There's no way to fight back. Sure you can defend yourself from the hospital but you're going to lose.
2007.Jul.11, 05:45 PM
Post: #210
Daytue, Zenny has explained all these Drek things coming out, she wants to get something that plain works...then she wants to make it better... I'm sure she will change this when she has time but for now she is doing the basics.