'Mo Money Pullo has put his armor and weapon on
2007.Jul.03, 09:18 PM
'Mo Money Pullo has put his armor and weapon on
Post: #1
I'm sorry most couldn't beat me. I really thought it would be a free for all. for those of you who attempted to mug me and failed, write me and tell me what you would have done with the money if you'd been successful.

The best three will win 25k each.

I have an events log. Don't dare enter if you were too faint of heart to make an attempt to mug me. This contest is for the brave souls who attempted to attack NakedPullo and failed.

For the terms of this contest, "failed" means you got no money at all from mugging me today.
2007.Jul.03, 10:02 PM
Post: #2
The fact that you were naked is what kept me away man..I like you and all but I like my showers with bubba and zen.

I'll make you a star in the back seat of my car.
2007.Jul.03, 10:40 PM
Post: #3
DARN!!!!!!!!!!!! Didn't know he was running around with no weps or armor. Missed my chance. LOL
2007.Jul.04, 03:49 AM
Post: #4
Damn i forgot it was a mugging thing.. lol lol lol

I shook and still staled.. Sad Dam yer strong naked. :shock: