(2012.Feb.24 07:50 AM)BrokenGlass Wrote: It ain't rocket science Ush.....and yeah Bird is right......you do talk down to people.
I got the same from you when Zen was asking folks in the Mod forum about what they thought of me. Everyone at the time was in agreement but you made some flippant comment....I had wondered why you were so arrogant but I guess you just identified with you e-personality too much......
Ush will allow this.
That is the comment you frown upon?
Sorry buddy, but some of the community still remembers ChiefEagele (well respected player/mod)
He made this comment right before mine:
2009.Apr.25, 12:10 PM
RE: Wraithlord (hardasgranite)
Post: #5 |
Userid: 2831
Level: 43
I HATE HIM! hehe just kidding, he's seem's to have a lvl head.
you have the Eagle stamp of approval, bring him on! lol
If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin
RE: Wraithlord (hardasgranite)
Post: #6 |
Userid: 3261
Level: 61
Dark Matter
Ush will allow this.
So go cry in a corner with SB who is ALL talk no beak.