(2011.Oct.10 03:28 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: (2011.Oct.10 03:16 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: I agree with halo about grammar (even though I'm horrible at it), but I agree with Jamie about armor. I hate it when people use something like "I don't wear armor or a belt" as an excuse. If you choose not to equip it then that is your character development that you chose, don't use it as a crutch. I get owned by people younger and lower in lvl than me wearing armor but I'm not gonna say if I had a lower encumbrance rate I'd do better.
armor is actually part of how i built my character, i just can't use tib yet and had to sell my b4c to get the endo for it.
and hunter why not go ahead and resort to your usual tactics? i'm about one refresh from fair, then you can say you kicked my ass, until i post the log
I got nothing but time

mail me when your fair and in dd il refund your travel expense and send stims ??
Equipped Items
Ranged Weapon You have no ranged weapon equipped.
Melee Weapon Ionized Nodachi
Helmet You are not wearing a helmet.
Armor You are not wearing armor.
Armor Shielding You do not have any enabled armor shielding.