(2011.Mar.28 02:34 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: (2011.Mar.28 02:14 PM)mblume Wrote: Run? If by run you mean offline then ok, I guess. Are you jealous because you haven't been physically able to run in 12 years due to excessive weight?
Another worthless insult. xD You've never been around me, huh? I'd run circles around you, and, yes gentlemen, that's a dig. A mean one that a hefty guy can outrun the lean, mean kids about the block. 
I mean districts, though. Should learn to read. Again, e-duh-muh-cation could do you a whole heap of good, shortstop. Ran from DD to Midlan, and YOUR MOUTH(aka cock sucker).
Yes I did run to midlan, ask chef why...
Nevermind, I'll tell you:
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 12 7 1,724 163 425 286
Then he ran to midlan, and so did I
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 8 6 1,560 4 330 344
CHEFBOY Hosp Win 4 4 2,231 11 603 1357