(2011.Jan.21 03:23 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: (2011.Jan.21 12:53 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: (2011.Jan.20 06:50 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: I do not play wow but recntly heard that due to all the expansions that have come out blizzard have tripled the xp you get when leveling up to level 60. Would it help newer player if they got say triple xp up to level 20 so that they didn't feel like they were so behind and perhaps would stick around and play more?
I know this will probably get shouted down by all the higher level players with huge chips on their shoulders about how hard it was for them when they started. But I genuinly think this is an idea that might help retain more players.
It's not a half bad idea. As Shadow said, 1.5x or 2x would be better. 3x would send fuckers flying.
Just be more level 20's to hit for exp I wouldnt mind it myself 
You don't want too many targets your pet might get tired of helping you.
And on topic the game already works on a series of depreciating values so in theory young guys can get to the point older guys already are without dumping a ton of cash just by maintain some donation and high activity