Human Verification
2007.May.28, 03:39 PM
Post: #11
I quit a very, and I mean VERY fun game a few months ago because everytime you would click - anywhere - more than 6 times per 30 seconds, it would bring you a GD image to make sure you were a human.

The problem was, over being very annoying, that it's not always clear and easy to see those letters and numbers and after 3 fails, you were banned for an hour. 2nd ban was 4 hours and so on, 5 (inside 1 month I think) and you were out for good, unless you could convince the admins you were just a "dumb" human that can't read 2 letters written over each other.

Don't harass your players too much unless you don't care and have 10's and 100's thousands of them to replace those everyday quitters.
2007.May.28, 03:57 PM
Post: #12
god does that sound familiar

7? 1? AHHH
2007.May.28, 06:29 PM
Post: #13
[Image: burakrw7.gif]

And that's an easy 1 compare to some I've seen...
2007.May.28, 06:50 PM
Post: #14
that looks like it says B Js R OK

2007.May.28, 07:25 PM
Post: #15
Man! I should email that one to my girlfriend! She hasn't figured it out yet.
2007.May.28, 11:07 PM
Post: #16
remember that its frowned upon when you are 25-30 to date girls under 13 ghost lol

sorry :oops: bad joke, but it was so easy lol

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.
2007.May.28, 11:24 PM
Post: #17
LMAO! If you think that was easy, you should meet my girlfriend!

*hangs head in shame of terrible joke*
2007.May.29, 12:47 AM
Post: #18
Maybe not have one all the time perhaps just put one in for contests. Though I doubt that it will prevent people from having friends log in for them while they sleep.( Not saying anyone has done that in the past but who is to say that it hasnt?)
2007.Jun.13, 09:25 PM
Post: #19
dayute Wrote:I do think its kind of odd for the same player to have been on top of the Gym Rat stats for the past three or four days straight. I'm probably just jealous though.
Maybe time to reconsider this since the person I mentioned just got banned for running scripts? Sarkasm aka Mrburns
2007.Jun.13, 11:07 PM
Post: #20
I think the most effective method to stop cheaters is for the community to notify me of suspicious activity. Since I log a lot of things people don't know about, there are a lot of things I can see.

Zenith [2]
Game Creator and Admin