(2010.Oct.17 11:01 AM)mblume Wrote: (2010.Oct.17 04:55 AM)MrHyde Wrote: (2010.Oct.13 04:56 PM)mblume Wrote: for war gang points. I know it's been said, but get good gang points from farming them while they sit in the hosp. Low risk wars now open!
Opponent Damage Dealt Damage Received Gang Points Winner
E A D P 1787 0 61 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 2205 230 61 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 1901 1196 61 Super Villains Summary
Seven Laws 1900 791 76 Super Villains Summary
Straight Laced Asassins 2926 911 43 Super Villains Summary
Dark Matter 611 2351 2 Super Villains Summary
For Hire 4399 0 105 Super Villains Summary
For Hire 3002 0 120 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 2405 139 65 Super Villains Summary
Shadows CREAM set 1328 0 24 Super Villains Summary
Shadows CREAM set 450 0 7 Super Villains Summary
Cosa Nostra 354 0 15 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 641 0 18 Super Villains Summary
Cosa Nostra 245 0 9 Super Villains Summary
Cosa Nostra 46 0 0 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 894 0 30 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 3157 0 58 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 7557 1057 103 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 344 110 8 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 802 85 25 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 2429 275 61 Super Villains Summary
The 36th Chamber 3723 1579 42 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 1765 0 59 Super Villains Summary
E A D P 86 1 2 Super Villains Summary
STONERS REEKING HAVOC 1057 0 15 Super Villains Summary
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So the hosp war is actually cutting into your gang point generation then with the lack of wars you are able to run. This means you're taking a negative in gp on this hosp war with all gps you're using for backup. That war listing is weeks if not months old.
Lol we are using back up, is that what you are gang mailing. "keep it up we are costing them they are having to spend gp", oh no because it could not be that we have been using spare ep to train while you all have been wasting full bars zerking. If anyone wants to know the truth feel free to ask zen she will be able to tell you how many ponts we have spend on back up