(2010.Sep.02 01:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: He's part of the war too, HorseTits. Don't be scared to try and hosp Punisher. Of course, if you know you're going to lose because you're a weak arse bich, I understand. Everyone has a fear, and yours is trying to hospitalize Punisher and being humiliated when you lose horribly.
Hey Fat Guts, I'm part of this war too but I don't see anyone other than pun hitting me. Cheater hardly hits me, I wonder why...lol
As for me being scared of Pun. Unlike you I'm not an idiot. Puns stats are well above mine so attempting a hosp is worthless. The EP is far better off being used on you fat guts. This game has changed over the past few years. For me, being hosped by Pun is nothing. I don't hide in the hospital waiting for him to go offline.I stim out and keep on fighting. The stims cost is nothing to me. Even without the donations I make over 3 mil a month from crimes.
Puns two main stats are well over 100. Here's what he keeps losing to.
Battle Attribute Natural
Accuracy 90
Dexterity 84
If pun, or the rest of you wanna take puns beating me as some great accomplishment then go right ahead. Just remember each time pun loses to me, thats how shit my stats are...lol
As for my request for SV to surrender. I asked that knowing full well SVs pride would see them not surrender. It just covers my ass when people start complaing to zen come x-mas. I have no plans to end this and if for some reason SV do surrender, Ill find another reason to start another.