(2010.Aug.25 04:00 PM)thehustler Wrote: is that your work from both accounts?
Funny accusation, after your suck up mail last week!:
Sender : GlennQuagmire [30185] online
Date : 17 August 10 @ 5:25:38 pm
Subject : hi,
my views on the ip address issues are not to target you or pun. the way you play and view your opinions couldn't be anymore different. i think when i first posted what i was trying to say didn't come out properly. every time some one tells me to stfu i get personal. the head out of your ass comment again was a lil too far. say hi to pun for me too.
And then you mail selling out Bender as a soon to be has been:
Sender : GlennQuagmire [30185] online
Date : 17 August 10 @ 5:54:15 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:hi,
nice. he has been going crazy of late, bored and about to leave you think? how have you and bender been going? have you been attacking each other? with pun gone atm seems like there is no top dog. knowing that howl bites off on bender now, would have to make it between you two imo. short term for bender as he is borged to the max.
And I bothered to talk to you, should've realized you were fishing for info as to who could beat who before Dingus started this hosp war...
Mistake I won't make again.
Sender Blocked.
There, now I think I have all the 499ers blocked!