(2010.Aug.13 06:32 PM)peteycrack Wrote: (2010.Aug.13 06:29 PM)SuperDave Wrote: In effect you've been pwned by a n00b only you did it to yourself the ultimate embarassment.
General Info
Name: SuperCreep [24993] Donator: 120 Days Left
User Class: Cyborg Member
User Level: 33
Gender: Male
Signed Up: July 8, 2008 4:07:53 pm
Last Active: August 13, 2010 7:31:50 pm
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Location: Downtown Decatur
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Health Status: Good
Gang: Garbage Pail Kids
In hospital for 1 minutes. Reason : Bit off more than they could chew with JohnnyForeigner.

You lost because you are level 23 and your stats would be lucky to in the high teens. I have been farming you from level 16 to 23. And you have been level 23 the whole time.
Basically --- hit the gym.