(2010.May.05 01:42 PM)Jackal Wrote: (2010.May.05 12:48 AM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: (2010.May.05 12:32 AM)thehustler Wrote: (2010.May.05 12:13 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: (2010.May.05 12:11 AM)cheetah Wrote: (2010.May.04 11:37 PM)johnsonhalo76 Wrote: i was offered SV several times and turned them all down because of you, so stuff it where the sun don't shine.
You were never offered SV.
Deal with your delusions!
He was. And he turned it down.
lol, good to see another fail from you cheets. 
gotta love when logic is lost, right man? and props to bender for being the first to take a fight directly to pun and cheets. it's about time we have someone who can beat them
being offered by Mosk to go to vote is not an offer from SV
Yes actually I think you will find that the SV press secretary is correct, first you need to be called back for a telephone interview.
If you are successful then you go to their assessment centre where you undergo various physical examinations which tests your abilities attach yourself to better players (much like pilot fish on a shark). SV's mental examinations ensure that they only pick players without a sense of humour or the ability to think for themselves (much like the Republican Party

If you make it past their assessment centre you then have to face the panel interview, where you will face grueling interviews from a panel of the gangs upper echelon. They will then vote on whether to consider taking your application to the 'Highest Source'.
If you make it to the 'Highest Source' you have to spend 7 minutes in the closet with him and if you come out unscathed then you get an offer in SV.
So yeah just to reiterate, an offer from mosque to go to vote is not an offer from sv.