(2010.Apr.24 02:45 PM)Punisher Wrote: lmao....sv has npcs
Sender :
Date : 24 April 10 @ 3:36:42 pm
Subject : pretty boy bondi
Go check the pvp log from that war, he is showing on ours as SV
Very weird, he cost you gp.
****zen i told you we wanted jay and axel 
Seriously, no one commented on this, it wasn't a joke, and I want our gang point back from Zen!
This is not a gang pvp log, this is from the pvp logs from a gang war:
April 24, 2010, 2:04:10 pm HUNT3R Pretty-Boy Biondi Gang Hit Loss -1
OK, so it looks like someone in our gang hit an NPC, and lost, but this is in the section of those who hit our members, not us who hit others. And it shows as a gang hit (and no, we were not at war with B's Gang at the time), so how did Biondi hit our member, and the gang we were at war with get a pvp point for it?
No it's not over one point, it's the fact that something is seriously screwed up here!