Career Item list:
Engineering, Construction;
Wartime Hideout Repair Kit, Includes instructions and materials for Fast repairs and such to give the hide out a boost in war when the Engineer is not present. A new spray foam that takes on the properties of Kevlar is in the kit, and it is vutually fool proof. Though there is allways that chance of failure.
Special medi-kits put together by the medical specialist are able to heal wounds and give bursts of energy to persons using them properly, missuse may result in extened hospital stay. Kits may reduce a stay, or heal battle damage depending on how the medical specialist preps them. Using the wrong kit for the wrong problem will result in a Varry long stay in the hospital.
Perhapps the most coveted kit in the land they cyber heal kit. This item will make plenty of money for the sciences department.
The Get outta Jail Free card, well not really but if used right it will lower your bail or reduce you stay in the jail. This card shows you are connected and not to be mess with by the local police. Of course it is in gold leaf.
Sheild belt Battery Kit. Need your battery recharged? This kit holds all the power of an over charge, just remember Black to positive, and red to negitive. Or was it the other way around? Uh OH, don't fry your own battery!
DeMag recharge kit, this baby has 4 wires, better get them right!
Chance of using Items properly can count on any stats that may apply, hope you have them up to par. Just because you bought the item doesn't mean it's a snap. Of course the more you use an item the more you understand it and the less chance you will mess it up.
Careers not listed need to have effects for people other then yourself, lets be team players here.