Getting Stale
2009.Jan.20, 06:41 PM
Post: #25
if you level to 20 you will pull the sports cars at a alarming rate with few failures..if you have enough ap you can pull those back to back,with a less likely hood of getting wont see as much jailtime if you get caught wont beable to pull the 23+ crimes without being lvl 25+ as howl stated dont bother trying....the sports cars seem to be the way to go..back to back sports cars will net you around 2k, so around 2k every 30 to 35 mins...its a big jump compared to the around 1k you make now

Messages In This Thread
[] - redz28 - 2009.Jan.20 06:41 PM
Getting Stale - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.12, 06:47 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2009.Jan.12, 06:49 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.12, 06:51 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2009.Jan.12, 09:43 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2009.Jan.12, 09:46 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.13, 12:00 AM
[] - EvilDeedz - 2009.Jan.13, 12:03 AM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.13, 12:11 AM
[] - infinite93 - 2009.Jan.13, 02:19 AM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.13, 10:24 AM
[] - iceman2020 - 2009.Jan.13, 11:46 AM
[] - Marlo - 2009.Jan.13, 11:57 AM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.13, 12:32 PM
[] - lrrltt - 2009.Jan.13, 12:32 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2009.Jan.13, 09:43 PM
[] - BigRedRaper - 2009.Jan.13, 11:38 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.14, 12:33 PM
[] - Duchbag69 - 2009.Jan.14, 12:55 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2009.Jan.14, 01:01 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.14, 01:02 PM
[] - Duchbag69 - 2009.Jan.14, 01:11 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.14, 01:26 PM
[] - Duchbag69 - 2009.Jan.14, 01:27 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.14, 01:34 PM
[] - OceanGypsy - 2009.Jan.21, 08:22 PM