hypothetically, and if i were full time again...
2011.Jul.18, 04:32 PM
RE: hypothetically, and if i were full time again...
Post: #5
i think of it more as a mercenary then being paid to join a gang. besides my mom donates so much i get an extra 100 creds everytime i log in it seems

thanx mom

and in a way thats sort of the thing, last time i was in a gang i was loaned 5 mil like twice a month towards housing. granted thats a perk more than being paid but, i got to keep the outcome of that perk.

maybe a better question is, who wants to provide the best perks for me, in the event that i can come back?

cober, u guys quit wit the bullshit cuz if i cant make anything this way it'll either be u guys or back to DM...

oh and for the record it'd cost spank wranglers 100 mil a month for me. just for the shame of wearing thier tag lmfao
This post was last modified: 2011.Jul.18 04:34 PM by filthymick.

FilthyMick hits Ramon Wiley for 1849 damage. Ramon Wiley resists 43 for a total of 1806 damage.

Messages In This Thread
RE: hypothetically, and if i were full time again... - filthymick - 2011.Jul.18 04:32 PM