Donator Options
2007.Feb.04, 06:41 AM
Post: #2
Need to think the costs out more, a lot more.

Look in AWL values. 200 end=800 creds, 200 of each then is 1600.

30 day donator pack=500, so you're getting effectively, 2100 credits for $40, where you could buy a $20 for 2300 credits, buy yourself 200 end+intel+donator pack, and have 200 spare.

Nice idea though, just need working on the figures. For buying the stats outright, there should clearly be an advantage. So how about;

$10- 350 endurance/intel, or 175 of each
$20- 800 endurance/intel, or 400 of each
$40- 1800 endurance/intel, or 900 of each

That gives you 1400 credits for $10, 3200 for $20, 7200 for $40- the downside being, you don't get them as credits- so you can't use them to sell, to get donator days, to energy/happiness refresh, get out of jail, transfer to people- it's a set thing, you buy stats, no other option.

Normal rates are 1100 for $10, 2300 for $20, and there's no $40 option, so it'd be 4600 for $40. The increases seem fair for the downsides, IMO- would be helpful for those looking solely for stats from donating, and would expand the donation shop a little.

Messages In This Thread
Donator Options - hawk187 - 2007.Feb.04, 05:58 AM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Feb.04 06:41 AM