Donator Options
2007.Feb.04, 05:58 AM
Donator Options
Post: #1
I been thinking of ways that Zen and Err can take more of my money, and want to know what everyone else thinks?

This is the only RPG game I play but I would like to be able to spend money on other option besides credits. I was thinking along the lines of an intelligence or endurance pack.

Most of us already buy credits then go to donator house and convert them, but I would like to see an option something or thoughts on this:

$40.00- Gets you 200pts endurance and Intell-30 donator status
$60.00- 300 pts endurance and Intel- 30 day
$80.- 400 pts endurance and Intel- 60 day

etc. maybe the points are to high or the cost, but its something I would be willing to donate to besides just credits. The credits for donator status is critical but other ways to take my money would be good to. This isnt't just good for the higher levels, everyone is going to need these later on down the road and you buy them plus donator days.

Messages In This Thread
Donator Options - hawk187 - 2007.Feb.04 05:58 AM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Feb.04, 06:41 AM