i have an idea about gang buildings
2006.Oct.10, 07:49 PM
i have an idea about gang buildings
Post: #1
how about adding more gang buildings or instruments besides upgrade?
president could buid up some gang buildings or kind of such thing,like entertaining room,or guard room,or boxer room.
these rooms could offer attributes,exp,rep bonus daily,just like u got another job.and also can add a new system in gang----yes,its gang rank.
the higher rank members in gang has, the more funcitons he can use.
for example.
a gang president has built up a restroom,which can give hp recover bonus.but the president just set the limitation that the room only works on members above certain gang rank.

why i have these idea?coz i found that now all gangs r just similar,or can say they r not of much difference.
but upon on the decision the president make of which building to setup,all gangs will be different!
and then ppl will choose which gang to join with definitely reason and goal.

Messages In This Thread
i have an idea about gang buildings - fading3 - 2006.Oct.10 07:49 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Oct.11, 01:18 AM
[] - LordSkie - 2006.Oct.11, 03:52 AM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Oct.11, 07:29 AM
[] - fading3 - 2006.Oct.11, 08:33 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Oct.11, 08:48 AM
[] - fading3 - 2006.Oct.11, 08:51 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Oct.11, 09:32 AM
[] - blade101 - 2006.Oct.28, 06:48 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2006.Oct.28, 07:27 PM