2008.Aug.02, 08:58 PM
Post: #7
I thought the same thing at first about the rounds. Intuitively, 1 round = 1 action by each player. 1 round = 1 action by either player was probably easier to code.

Messages In This Thread
Attack - JaggerBomb - 2008.Aug.02, 06:18 PM
[] - 16tons - 2008.Aug.02, 06:43 PM
[] - JaggerBomb - 2008.Aug.02, 06:44 PM
[] - infinite93 - 2008.Aug.02, 06:54 PM
[] - JaggerBomb - 2008.Aug.02, 06:58 PM
[] - 16tons - 2008.Aug.02, 07:13 PM
[] - infinite93 - 2008.Aug.02 08:58 PM