Work Experience
2008.Jun.07, 05:22 PM
Post: #4
The only benefit I am aware of is Work Experience level = maximum career level. (i.e. you can't get level 3 engineer unless W.E. is 3 or greater. )
If there is some other benefit, hopefully someone can enlighten us...

Messages In This Thread
Work Experience - theghost83 - 2008.Jun.07, 04:40 PM
[] - Promathia19 - 2008.Jun.07, 05:21 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Jun.07, 05:22 PM
[] - infinite93 - 2008.Jun.07 05:22 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Jun.07, 05:46 PM
[] - theghost83 - 2008.Jun.07, 05:55 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Jun.07, 05:58 PM
[] - Promathia19 - 2008.Jun.07, 06:21 PM
[] - theghost83 - 2008.Jun.07, 06:39 PM
[] - badmanbren - 2008.Jun.07, 06:53 PM
[] - theghost83 - 2008.Jun.07, 07:41 PM