Poll: Am I lazy
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something useful for the lazy
2006.Sep.25, 02:11 AM
something useful for the lazy
Post: #1
Ok I know this is petty, but is there anyway that you could put the page numbers at the top as well at the bottome of the User Look Up page. Shees it takes me 3 extra seconds to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to jump to page three for that level of people.

Come on some of us are lazy and don't want to waste that time on the mouse wheel. We want to be whackin people!

*note: Sarcasim proceeded in the previous post. I do think that it woud be a help on the page link at the top as well as the bottom.

Messages In This Thread
something useful for the lazy - hunter52070 - 2006.Sep.25 02:11 AM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Sep.25, 03:57 AM