The Real Estate Game
2007.Nov.27, 01:03 PM
The Real Estate Game
Post: #1
Now, I am sure this is not an original idea, so please do not flame me if there was another post about this.

That being said, I have been thinking about the structure of purchasing property in game. While I understand that if you purchase someone a piece of property, you do so with the understanding that you have now in a sense given them 'X' amount of money. This is what I would love to see changed.


Gang Membership and incentives:

In my gang, and many others I'm sure, if you perform and stay active you can be rewarded with the upgrade of your home. Now, while I am more than willing to subsidise an active, contributing player, it is impossible to know whether or not there will be a change in the players activity, or allegiance to the gang. If the player leaves the gang then he or she can take the home that was provided them and never look back, effectively ruining your investment.

My Solution:

Create a Real Estate Market:

Upon purchase of a new piece of real estate the purchaser would recieve a deed in his name. This would not only afford the purchaser equity in his ivestments, but would, over time, create a market wherein a player, who has invested a considerable amount in real estate in a certain district, would be able to start to dictate market price on certain real estate in said area.

This could also be supplemented by Zen by limitting the amount fo certain types of homes in certain districts, thus driving the market higher.

Get involved, give your opinion and seek a better, thriving Real Estate market.

Thanks ,


Messages In This Thread
The Real Estate Game - Marlo - 2007.Nov.27 01:03 PM
[] - decadency - 2007.Nov.27, 01:10 PM
[] - Rafallol - 2007.Nov.27, 02:25 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Nov.27, 02:32 PM
[] - Druchii - 2007.Nov.27, 02:32 PM
[] - Weebay - 2007.Nov.27, 05:52 PM
[] - smrceo - 2007.Nov.27, 07:34 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Nov.27, 09:59 PM
[] - PropositionJoe - 2007.Nov.27, 10:13 PM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Nov.27, 10:27 PM
[] - Marlo - 2007.Nov.29, 01:16 PM
[] - LuparKoor - 2007.Nov.30, 01:59 AM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Nov.30, 02:26 AM
[] - LuparKoor - 2007.Nov.30, 02:31 AM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Nov.30, 03:42 AM
[] - LuparKoor - 2007.Nov.30, 04:22 AM
[] - Marlo - 2007.Nov.30, 09:46 AM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Nov.30, 01:45 PM
[] - Scorpious - 2007.Nov.30, 08:59 PM
[] - filthymick - 2007.Dec.01, 01:13 AM
[] - drec92 - 2007.Dec.01, 08:34 AM
Mortgages - Weebay - 2007.Dec.02, 01:17 PM
[] - PropositionJoe - 2007.Dec.02, 07:45 PM
Re: Mortgages - Scorpious - 2007.Dec.02, 10:05 PM
[] - Marlo - 2008.Jan.25, 09:03 PM