Best ways to earn cash for noobs?
2006.Aug.30, 02:41 AM
Best ways to earn cash for noobs?
Post: #1
ive been pilfering wallets ALOT and it beats getting 3-5bucks for successful attempts.

what are the low risk crimes that pay the best tho?

i got like 5k saved up but it has taken me forever, any crimes that can speed it up?

How does Mugging vs Pilfering wallets compare? when it comes to cash gain...

are the any playing tutorials written by players here? cause the help guide isnt to much help, doesnt say how to do the best starts, or how one can make it easy for oneself. so playing tutorial would help...

Messages In This Thread
Best ways to earn cash for noobs? - Druchii - 2006.Aug.30 02:41 AM
[] - Dragon - 2006.Sep.07, 08:20 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.07, 05:36 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Sep.08, 01:23 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.08, 06:35 AM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.08, 10:18 AM
[] - Inferno - 2006.Sep.08, 11:39 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2006.Sep.08, 04:54 PM
[] - vampira - 2006.Sep.10, 06:47 AM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Sep.11, 06:31 AM