<~@‡You Wanna Know What I Like About This Game‡@~>
2007.Jun.20, 05:42 PM
<~@‡You Wanna Know What I Like About This Game‡@~>
Post: #1
What i love about this game is, That the Admins, and Mods are nice, and they actually talk to you and send messages that arn't always about you doing bad on your account, and that they say hi and they are welcoming, and what i really like about this game is that instead of always creating something new, like most online web sites.
They take the time and look through the old stuff they did, and they update it and make it better, there not always making something new and leaving what they did make behide.
Thats what i love about this game, now tell me other people of Awakened lands what do you always love or like about this game.

Messages In This Thread
<~@‡You Wanna Know What I Like About This Game‡@~> - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.20 05:42 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jun.20, 05:53 PM
........... - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.20, 06:04 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.Jun.20, 07:08 PM
[] - playajam - 2007.Jun.20, 07:13 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2007.Jun.20, 07:16 PM
wHATS ipd???? - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.20, 07:32 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2007.Jun.20, 08:24 PM
[] - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.20, 08:45 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jun.20, 09:05 PM
[] - DaBunnyIsPimp - 2007.Jun.20, 09:20 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Jun.20, 09:22 PM