The Market
2010.Oct.12, 12:45 AM
RE: The Market
Post: #2
(2010.Oct.12 12:39 AM)deathishere Wrote:  Can we maybe upgrade the items allowed (3) on the market at once, to alittle higher. its a market don't see why people cant add heaps of stuff.

you should b able to add as much as you want firstly there will be more buys because they will probably be a much more of a range to choose from and secondly this will make the market a better known place

you got my VOTE shouldve made a poll

Messages In This Thread
The Market - deathishere - 2010.Oct.12, 12:39 AM
RE: The Market - jgrea4 - 2010.Oct.12 12:45 AM
RE: The Market - deathishere - 2010.Oct.12, 04:16 AM
RE: The Market - 2asandab - 2010.Oct.13, 06:07 PM
RE: The Market - deathishere - 2010.Oct.14, 12:33 AM
RE: The Market - CrazyFoley - 2010.Oct.13, 12:13 AM