minor idea for gym
2007.May.25, 08:29 AM
Post: #11
But for some in War or other circumstances, they have a very small window in order to train. What is asked is so if someone is being attacked, they can quickly navigate to the gym and train before being attacked again.

If God is our father, you thought, then Satan must be our cousin

Messages In This Thread
minor idea for gym - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.08, 01:08 PM
[] - Rafallol - 2007.Apr.08, 01:51 PM
[] - Thor - 2007.Apr.08, 02:00 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.08, 02:19 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Apr.10, 08:28 AM
[] - mudpies - 2007.Apr.10, 09:11 AM
[] - Rafallol - 2007.May.15, 12:11 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.May.15, 01:31 PM
[] - Dormagonn - 2007.May.25, 02:56 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2007.May.25, 06:26 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.May.25 08:29 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.May.25, 11:39 AM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Jun.09, 04:04 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2007.Jun.09, 04:05 PM