new district for everyone
2007.Mar.26, 05:50 PM
new district for everyone
Post: #1
We should have a district open to everyone. In this district they police presence is massive. It's not impossible to attack someone but 9/10 times you're gonna get busted doing so. Also in this district you cannot commit crimes, train, body mod, buy from market, anything. If you've attacked anyone in the past 24 hours you aren't allowed access to the district. You can only visit the area twice in 24 hours. It should also cost a very large sum of money to hide there. Hopefully that won't make it so everyone can just jump back over there after they train.

Just typing the ideas for you as they're popping in my head. If we can somehow limit a players ability to use the district it could work... maybe.

Messages In This Thread
new district for everyone - mudpies - 2007.Mar.26 05:50 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2007.Mar.26, 06:16 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2007.Mar.26, 06:56 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2007.Mar.26, 06:57 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2007.Mar.26, 06:59 PM