Endurance Courses
2007.Mar.06, 05:53 PM
Post: #5
I totally agree. The courses were good in theory, and good starting out, but lets be honest- for anyone above lv 20, even getting 100 in a battle stat (which is the highest any course gives) is practically nothing, it's an hours worth of training from a month long course. The endurance and intel, on the other hand, is VERY worth it.

So having courses with stat requirements could be totally awesome, and unlocking new crimes with courses is a fantastic idea. Could unlock jobs with courses as well, which has been suggested before I believe- like a course in medicine, increasing intel drastically, needing a minimum intel to take, and unlocking the doctor's job.

Messages In This Thread
Endurance Courses - N2DSHT - 2007.Mar.06, 02:46 PM
[] - Rafallol - 2007.Mar.06, 02:58 PM
[] - hawk187 - 2007.Mar.06, 04:07 PM
[] - N2DSHT - 2007.Mar.06, 04:35 PM
[] - LordSkie - 2007.Mar.06 05:53 PM
[] - N2DSHT - 2007.May.10, 10:38 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2007.May.10, 11:00 AM
[] - N2DSHT - 2007.May.10, 11:22 AM