Should special weapons be released differently?
2008.Oct.21, 04:46 PM
Post: #15
I think Zen's idea for having an auction/bid for special item would cover some of the points other brought up. 1) players that wins the bid won't be able to sell it for a profit. 2) the person that places the bid will most likely want to use it.

Messages In This Thread
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.21, 01:06 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Oct.21, 01:13 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.21, 01:15 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2008.Oct.21, 01:20 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Oct.21, 01:21 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Oct.21, 01:52 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2008.Oct.21, 02:07 PM
[] - BadLuck - 2008.Oct.21, 02:09 PM
[] - LikeWhoa - 2008.Oct.21, 02:10 PM
[] - Saerin - 2008.Oct.21, 02:11 PM
[] - klaw16 - 2008.Oct.21, 02:11 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Oct.21, 02:35 PM
[] - Moriarty - 2008.Oct.21, 02:46 PM
[] - konyen - 2008.Oct.21 04:46 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Oct.21, 04:53 PM
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Oct.21, 04:53 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Oct.21, 04:55 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Oct.21, 05:01 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Oct.21, 05:04 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.21, 05:06 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Oct.21, 05:08 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2008.Oct.21, 05:14 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.21, 05:24 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2008.Oct.21, 05:28 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Oct.21, 05:33 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.21, 05:35 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.21, 07:48 PM
[] - Howlsong - 2008.Oct.21, 08:03 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.21, 08:05 PM
[] - Snyiper - 2008.Oct.22, 06:33 AM