Time off for good behavior..
2006.Jul.30, 04:57 PM
Time off for good behavior..
Post: #1
I was just thinking..

Whenever I get busted and sent to jail, I end up sitting around and waiting if it's only for 30 minutes.. but if it's a long term, I just end up calling it a night and logging. Right now I just saw Sam I Am sitting in jail for 159 minutes, and yet he remains online.. god knows why. Anyways, what I was thinking was.. for those people who remain online during their jail time, it would be neat if they got time off for good behavior.

Something where if they remain online, they get an accelerated count down on their crime, or they might just get off early. This would only apply to the really long jailttimes, those lasting over an hour and a half. Of course if someone got busted trying to break the prisoner out, they would lose that bonus, since it wouldnt fall in with good behavior.

You could even code it in so that it worked with the prison gym.. so that only players who were using the gym got the bonus.. something like each time the player lifted weights in jail the programing would be something like..

If player jailtime is greater than 60 minutes then jailtime - 1

That way only the players who stay online AND work their chars get out of prison a bit faster.

Messages In This Thread
Time off for good behavior.. - LuparKoor - 2006.Jul.30 04:57 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Jul.30, 06:29 PM
[] - Sam I Am - 2006.Jul.31, 05:44 AM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Jul.31, 09:07 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.31, 12:38 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Jul.31, 12:49 PM
[] - LuparKoor - 2006.Jul.31, 02:43 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Jul.31, 04:29 PM