Mod Abuse
2008.Aug.14, 09:04 PM
Post: #6
But, it might have turned into something that two people in the game would find annoying, we can't let a thread live if it might turn into something other than a passioned discussion.

Also, no passionate discussion allowed. Only positivity and Ushapprovability is allowed.

you, over there, no dancing

Messages In This Thread
Mod Abuse - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 08:48 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Aug.14, 08:53 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2008.Aug.14, 08:56 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 08:57 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Aug.14, 09:04 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Aug.14 09:04 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 09:07 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Aug.14, 09:22 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 09:27 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Aug.14, 09:30 PM
[] - dekarr - 2008.Aug.14, 09:30 PM
[] - Loki - 2008.Aug.14, 09:30 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 09:33 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Aug.14, 09:34 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Aug.14, 09:48 PM
[] - dekarr - 2008.Aug.14, 09:50 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Aug.14, 09:52 PM
[] - grabtindy - 2008.Aug.14, 09:52 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Aug.14, 09:54 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Aug.14, 09:56 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Aug.14, 10:00 PM