Again with my nimbus and travel whine
2008.Jul.06, 07:32 AM
Post: #3
I believe that last time I checked, the cost of healing 1 person quite fast outgrows the point gain from a war.

[edit] And I think of hideout wars as a place to gain points not spend them.

Gang point healing is better spent during hospitalization wars were cash on lower leveled member will run low fast.

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.

Messages In This Thread
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Jul.06, 07:07 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jul.06 07:32 AM
[] - Scorpious - 2008.Jul.06, 07:51 AM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Jul.06, 08:07 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jul.06, 08:09 AM
[] - Dingus - 2008.Jul.06, 09:35 AM
[] - psudoderf - 2008.Jul.06, 11:01 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jul.06, 11:24 AM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Jul.06, 11:31 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2008.Jul.06, 11:56 AM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Jul.06, 12:08 PM
[] - chance - 2008.Jul.06, 03:48 PM
[] - ShadowKid - 2008.Jul.06, 03:53 PM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Jul.06, 04:01 PM
[] - ShadowKid - 2008.Jul.06, 04:02 PM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Jul.06, 04:18 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jul.06, 11:00 PM