Night people
2008.Oct.20, 11:57 AM
Post: #37
i really dont mean to sound like a drug addict or anything but as usual, the average person on this board has no idea what its like to be high on meth. you dont instantly become addicted or instantly turn into paranoid crack whore, its kind of the same feeling as coke, but it doesnt make your face numb, is cheaper, and lasts a whole hell of a lot longer.

now i can guess that most people who play AL also arent huge night club people, but come on, the club scene loves meth. its a party drug, it makes the panties drop, and will have ladies dancing all night.

Messages In This Thread
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Oct.20, 11:15 AM
Night people - Gornikel - 2008.Oct.18, 11:33 PM
[] - emocakes - 2008.Oct.19, 12:56 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 01:01 AM
[] - Moriarty - 2008.Oct.19, 01:39 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 01:41 AM
[] - emocakes - 2008.Oct.19, 01:52 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 01:53 AM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Oct.19, 01:57 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 01:58 AM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.19, 09:29 AM
[] - awesomo - 2008.Oct.19, 09:34 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 09:37 AM
[] - emocakes - 2008.Oct.19, 04:59 PM
[] - BL00DYHAZ3 - 2008.Oct.19, 06:51 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 07:08 PM
[] - airmax - 2008.Oct.19, 08:58 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.19, 09:38 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.19, 10:15 PM
[] - bigchaz - 2008.Oct.19, 11:52 PM
[] - McCule - 2008.Oct.20, 12:30 AM
[] - airmax - 2008.Oct.20, 12:32 AM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 01:41 AM
[] - volcomjurk7 - 2008.Oct.20, 01:42 AM
[] - airmax - 2008.Oct.20, 01:55 AM
[] - volcomjurk7 - 2008.Oct.20, 02:26 AM
[] - airmax - 2008.Oct.20, 02:37 AM
[] - hardasgranite - 2008.Oct.20, 03:56 AM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 07:19 AM
[] - thatthingufear - 2008.Oct.20, 08:01 AM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Oct.20, 09:39 AM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Oct.20, 11:01 AM
[] - ShadowKid - 2008.Oct.20, 11:10 AM
[] - LikeWhoa - 2008.Oct.20, 11:14 AM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.20, 11:50 AM
[] - wolfie300 - 2008.Oct.20, 11:53 AM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20 11:57 AM
[] - shadowinc - 2008.Oct.20, 12:02 PM
[] - LikeWhoa - 2008.Oct.20, 12:04 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 12:12 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 12:13 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 12:50 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 12:55 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 01:02 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 01:08 PM
[] - LikeWhoa - 2008.Oct.20, 01:15 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 01:17 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 01:22 PM
[] - DirkDanja - 2008.Oct.20, 01:35 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 01:38 PM
[] - buuddha - 2008.Oct.20, 02:14 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Oct.20, 02:21 PM
[] - ShadowKid - 2008.Oct.20, 02:25 PM
[] - Lucky666 - 2008.Oct.20, 05:42 PM