why the hell..
2008.Aug.20, 10:36 PM
why the hell..
Post: #1
are we suddenly losing an arse load of exp points when we lose a pvp attack on someone....but we dont win a boatload when someone attacks us and WE win?!

i just lost over 300! the same bastard will attack me and lose...and i will only win 60!

Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.

Messages In This Thread
[] - ZeonOne - 2008.Aug.21, 10:29 AM
why the hell.. - Conrad1103 - 2008.Aug.20 10:36 PM
[] - grabtindy - 2008.Aug.20, 10:41 PM
[] - McCule - 2008.Aug.20, 11:18 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Aug.21, 07:15 AM
[] - Dingus - 2008.Aug.21, 07:44 AM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.Aug.21, 03:05 PM
[] - Thor - 2008.Aug.21, 07:20 PM
[] - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Aug.21, 07:22 PM
[] - grabtindy - 2008.Aug.21, 07:30 PM
Re: why the hell.. - abysmalpoptart - 2008.Aug.21, 07:52 PM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Aug.21, 08:28 PM