Disposable Weapons and Black Market
2006.Nov.17, 10:49 AM
Post: #6
i like the idea alot. people with more game cash always have more of an advantage; they can buy better items, not to mention credits off the credit market. i dont see this changing that.

what it does do is provide a route for the weaker to inflict suffering on the strong, and of course that can only come with a steep price tag. im not sure what the best way to do this is, but this idea is pretty solid.

maybe even some more defensive items, like tripwires or something, that work for a set time /or # of times attacked?

i guess my other idea is, is that for each item introduced, i feel there should be some way to (at least potentially) counter it, some of which already exist (ex. HPs , we already have protein bars.)

Messages In This Thread
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Nov.17, 10:16 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.17, 10:25 AM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Nov.17, 10:27 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.17, 10:44 AM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Nov.17 10:49 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Nov.17, 11:17 AM