An annoying thing that happened to me the other day
2006.Oct.31, 11:28 PM
An annoying thing that happened to me the other day
Post: #1
So here i was in my faction the other day and I went to the members page and saw that under ever person in the faction there was a leave button curious to see if i could make another person in my faction leave (curiosity killed this cat). I foolishly clicked on it and with out any warning or are you sure you want to leave the faction i got kicked out this was very annoying and i had to reapply to the faction i had already been in and this was just an inconvienience to all the partys involved i know its just a little thing but it might be helpful to all curious people playing if this was changed


Messages In This Thread
An annoying thing that happened to me the other day - ShadowDude - 2006.Oct.31 11:28 PM
[] - peajew - 2006.Nov.01, 06:45 AM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.01, 12:25 PM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.01, 09:34 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Nov.01, 10:00 PM
[] - ShadowDude - 2006.Nov.02, 02:34 AM
[] - bloodblister - 2006.Nov.07, 03:55 AM