walkman/mp3 player/stereo
2008.Mar.25, 05:04 PM
walkman/mp3 player/stereo
Post: #1
What about being able to have these implemented into the game.They could have the benefit of increasing your happiness.Whilst listening to the music your happiness increases on a scale depending on what item you have.They would need recharging like the belts.The scale could be 1, 1.5, 2 happiness increase. Biggrin

Messages In This Thread
walkman/mp3 player/stereo - biffbaffboff - 2008.Mar.25 05:04 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Mar.25, 05:06 PM
[] - biffbaffboff - 2008.Mar.25, 05:08 PM
[] - Casius - 2008.Mar.25, 05:20 PM
[] - Marlo - 2008.Mar.25, 05:23 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Mar.25, 05:33 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Mar.25, 05:45 PM