another noob idea to scoff at!
2008.Mar.24, 08:30 AM
Post: #10
I'd be ok with this so long as no "game lore" is given about HOW they smuggled the phones in... I don't want to know :x

Messages In This Thread
[] - filthymick - 2008.Mar.23, 09:00 AM
another noob idea to scoff at! - peteplacid - 2008.Mar.21, 04:09 PM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Mar.21, 11:53 PM
[] - peteplacid - 2008.Mar.22, 12:33 AM
[] - iceman2020 - 2008.Mar.22, 07:49 AM
[] - TommiTheTaco - 2008.Mar.22, 11:48 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2008.Mar.23, 01:03 AM
[] - peteplacid - 2008.Mar.23, 01:14 AM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Mar.23, 02:00 PM
[] - TheGeek - 2008.Mar.24 08:30 AM