Wishful Thinking
2008.Feb.29, 01:38 AM
Wishful Thinking
Post: #1
This may be wishful thinking but I wish we could choose how many refreshes we wanted to buy in the gym.

For instance I dont ALWAYS want to buy a full refresh, just enuff to make a hit.

Using your Riot Axe you hit for 4724 points of damage. XXX resists 102 for a total of 4622 damage.

steve says
steve says
you sure got some big chesticles, howl

Messages In This Thread
Wishful Thinking - Howlsong - 2008.Feb.29 01:38 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Feb.29, 01:42 AM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Feb.29, 02:21 AM
[] - saint - 2008.Feb.29, 02:28 AM
[] - JaySin - 2008.Feb.29, 02:38 AM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2008.Feb.29, 02:44 AM
[] - Saerin - 2008.Feb.29, 09:35 AM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Feb.29, 10:18 AM
[] - Howlsong - 2008.Feb.29, 11:24 AM
[] - Err - 2008.Feb.29, 11:32 AM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Feb.29, 11:57 AM
[] - Punisher - 2008.Feb.29, 12:12 PM
[] - awesomo - 2008.Feb.29, 12:16 PM
[] - thawdgharp - 2008.Feb.29, 03:14 PM
[] - thawdgharp - 2008.Feb.29, 03:16 PM
[] - awesomo - 2008.Feb.29, 03:17 PM
[] - thawdgharp - 2008.Feb.29, 03:19 PM
[] - Err - 2008.Feb.29, 03:56 PM
[] - Ushanewnewba - 2008.Feb.29, 10:59 PM