666666 967192 min
2006.Oct.20, 07:49 AM
Post: #5
i would also like to add that blade 101 will become an enemy of me because i never stood for his fakeness befor and i wont do this time i will make sure that he will be crippled he dsnt deserve 666666 gang he is a wanbe in the shadow of grateness
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Messages In This Thread
666666 967192 min - FaceOwner - 2006.Oct.16, 08:28 PM
[] - LuparKoor - 2006.Oct.16, 08:40 PM
[] - Posieden - 2006.Oct.17, 10:36 AM
[] - gilmartin - 2006.Oct.20, 07:46 AM
gilmartin - gilmartin - 2006.Oct.20 07:49 AM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Oct.20, 07:58 AM
[] - zenith - 2006.Oct.20, 10:53 AM