Number Of attacks
2008.Feb.16, 02:01 AM
Post: #2
This is a subject talked about in other topics I feel should have it's own time in the sun. My question is quite simply Why can I only attack 2 ppl from a full stand of points?

that sall ive read and all i nesd too

fix this! to much enrgy and HP for beating up [Personal Attack]


Round 1
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1338 damage.
Round 2
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1373 damage.
Round 4
Conrad hits g2o2d4wp for 1151 damage. g2o2d4wp sulks.

Messages In This Thread
Number Of attacks - Aqualung451 - 2008.Feb.16, 01:33 AM
[] - Conrad1103 - 2008.Feb.16 02:01 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Feb.16, 02:11 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Feb.16, 02:15 AM
[] - Aqualung451 - 2008.Feb.16, 02:19 AM
[] - Casius - 2008.Feb.16, 08:02 AM