peace for pacifists/fights for those who like to get dirty
2008.Jan.27, 06:48 PM
Post: #7
Wait, have you tried the re-vamped attack thing? Or are you just guessing how it is and shooting from the hip in regards on how it will affect you? I think you would be surprised at the leverage you have.

I think people overreact to everything new, and then turn around and complain when it's gone. It's the way it has been in all online games I have played during the last 5-6years.

And at this point in the game, I'm actually happy that the old system isn't coming back. Without the gang disbanding, what's the point with it, there would be no politics about it, cause most gangs would just be on 0 respect. But I'm the first one to say here that it could be with a lot of work be made into a functioning system that could please everyone.

And it would be more pointless to bring it back with gang disbanding, cause then we would be right back to square one with the strongest gang in the gang destroying all others at a whim.

Where I'm trying to get at with the new gang system is that the changes Zenith has proposed and the multitude of changes that can be available from now on with these changes, can bring so much more depth to the whole roleplaying part of being in a gang. (yes some roleplay)

Key to success: "Dress everyday like you're gonna get murdered in those clothes.

Messages In This Thread
[] - coltfanjay - 2008.Jan.27, 06:31 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 06:35 PM
[] - coltfanjay - 2008.Jan.27, 06:38 PM
[] - psudoderf - 2008.Jan.27, 06:47 PM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.27 06:48 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 06:53 PM
[] - Druchii - 2008.Jan.27, 07:01 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:03 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:08 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 07:14 PM
[] - biffbaffboff - 2008.Jan.27, 07:17 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:19 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 07:21 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:23 PM
[] - biffbaffboff - 2008.Jan.27, 07:24 PM
[] - zenith - 2008.Jan.27, 07:24 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 07:31 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:33 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:35 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 07:41 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:42 PM
[] - biffbaffboff - 2008.Jan.27, 07:42 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:44 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 07:45 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:47 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 07:49 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:50 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 07:53 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 07:54 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 08:00 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 08:02 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 08:06 PM
[] - Jolabent - 2008.Jan.27, 08:11 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 08:15 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 08:18 PM
[] - mudpies - 2008.Jan.27, 08:21 PM
[] - Number9Guy - 2008.Jan.27, 08:23 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 08:25 PM
[] - Mighke - 2008.Jan.27, 08:52 PM
[] - JadedRadiance - 2008.Jan.27, 09:19 PM
[] - Number9Guy - 2008.Jan.27, 09:35 PM
[] - Gornikel - 2008.Jan.27, 11:23 PM
[] - psheehan78 - 2008.Jan.27, 11:36 PM
[] - Saerin - 2008.Jan.28, 02:30 AM
[] - filthymick - 2008.Jan.28, 02:48 AM
[] - zingersmack - 2008.Jan.28, 03:52 AM
[] - coltfanjay - 2008.Jan.28, 06:33 AM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Jan.28, 11:57 AM
[] - alinutza - 2008.Jan.28, 12:09 PM
[] - Hostile85 - 2008.Jan.28, 12:29 PM