i have an idea about gang buildings
2006.Oct.11, 03:52 AM
Post: #3
you know... that's actually a really good idea, there's a lot of scope there.

A restroom or bedrooms could increase HP gain slightly, you could have a bar, lounge, possibly a couple of other rooms to increase happiness regeneration, a gang gym that could either give stats each day based on level, or an increase on the standard gym, possibly at the cost of a little more happiness.

You could buy gang markets, which give you access to extremely rare but expensive weapons, possibly upgrading it so you can only buy food from it first, then melee weapons, then guns, then finally real raraes...

You could have a gang training room, which gives you all a boost when attacking, and a boost to organized crime...

There's hundreds of things that's possible with this... I really like the idea.

Messages In This Thread
i have an idea about gang buildings - fading3 - 2006.Oct.10, 07:49 PM
[] - 666666 - 2006.Oct.11, 01:18 AM
[] - LordSkie - 2006.Oct.11 03:52 AM
[] - Scipio - 2006.Oct.11, 07:29 AM
[] - fading3 - 2006.Oct.11, 08:33 AM
[] - Druchii - 2006.Oct.11, 08:48 AM
[] - fading3 - 2006.Oct.11, 08:51 AM
[] - matt5250 - 2006.Oct.11, 09:32 AM
[] - blade101 - 2006.Oct.28, 06:48 AM
[] - noblebandit - 2006.Oct.28, 07:27 PM