The Bank
2008.Jan.29, 06:11 PM
Post: #7
Kronald Wrote:I was pondering the other day if you could have a banking career, higher levels allowing you to give out real loans to players. If they default maybe you could garnish their crimes?
Along with the bank, seeing a deed to a house would be great.

yea carrers should be more helpful when it comes to moneyand it should also bemore realiaitc to real life in the amount of money u make per hour

Messages In This Thread
[] - Tahatmaru - 2008.Feb.04, 05:46 PM
The Bank - PropositionJoe - 2008.Jan.29, 01:00 PM
Re: The Bank - drec92 - 2008.Jan.29, 04:15 PM
Re: The Bank - PropositionJoe - 2008.Jan.29, 04:21 PM
Re: The Bank - drec92 - 2008.Jan.29, 05:25 PM
[] - Canosoup - 2008.Jan.29, 05:52 PM
[] - Weebay - 2008.Jan.29, 05:59 PM
[] - drec92 - 2008.Jan.29 06:11 PM
[] - PropositionJoe - 2008.Jan.29, 06:14 PM
[] - Weebay - 2008.Jan.29, 06:25 PM
[] - PropositionJoe - 2008.Jan.29, 06:40 PM