What is the reason why you stay in your current gang?
2014.May.26, 01:55 AM
RE: What is the reason why you stay in your current gang?
Post: #19
(2014.May.24 06:02 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote:  X Pats was garbage. The only reason they got any better is because they kicked all their members, but that only left a big ole sour puss.

I remember how funny it was. Habitwat became the next X Pats adter I mushed their members into the ground, save for 3.

unless you where in xpats you have no idea mate. (insert random Tommi fucks bunnies comment here)

give her the bowling ball grip, two in the pink and one in the stink.

all cats are grey in the dark.

Messages In This Thread
RE: What is the reason why you stay in your current gang? - GlennQuagmire - 2014.May.26 01:55 AM