Experience Gain w/ new combat code
2006.Oct.03, 06:32 PM
Experience Gain w/ new combat code
Post: #1
It seems the experience gains have been drasticly altered w/ the "leave em lying" option at the end of battle. in three battles i just eaned Exp totals of 6, 1, and 3. :shock: Under the old system, that prob woulda been at least 250 exp or so.

It this correct?

As is i see no reason to attack for exp whatsoever.

Havent yet tested the other (mug, hospitalize) combat options.

Messages In This Thread
Experience Gain w/ new combat code - oddjob - 2006.Oct.03 06:32 PM
[] - livershot - 2006.Oct.03, 06:44 PM
[] - LuiIce - 2006.Oct.03, 07:10 PM
[] - zenith - 2006.Oct.03, 07:28 PM
[] - oddjob - 2006.Oct.03, 08:06 PM
[] - LuiIce - 2006.Oct.03, 11:22 PM
[] - Eaglefreak - 2006.Oct.04, 01:19 PM
[] - fading3 - 2006.Oct.04, 07:33 PM