It seems the experience gains have been drasticly altered w/ the "leave em lying" option at the end of battle. in three battles i just eaned Exp totals of 6, 1, and 3. :shock: Under the old system, that prob woulda been at least 250 exp or so.
It this correct?
As is i see no reason to attack for exp whatsoever.
Havent yet tested the other (mug, hospitalize) combat options.
I just attacked someone, got the usual amount of EXP. However, my attacks have been doing considerably less damage (about 40ish damage from a t-250

i agree with oddjob.its no use 2 attack anymore.ive attacked this guy a couple of times and where i usually get between 60 - 70 exp i only get between 0 - 5 offence but it sucks
You should be getting normal XP now.
What about in jail fights? Give us something to do while in jail. Or Hospital fights? Option to yank IV out of persons arm or pull plug on someone? lol
Eaglefreak Wrote:What about in jail fights? Give us something to do while in jail. Or Hospital fights? Option to yank IV out of persons arm or pull plug on someone? lol
jail fight?
i like it!
if ppl cannot finish the fight in time,they will stay in jail for longer time!