longing for the good old days
2012.Dec.22, 05:00 AM
longing for the good old days
Post: #1
There was a time Zen would have had a game going on to Survive Dec. 21. I'm sure it would have been grand but, at the same time tong and cheek. I am sure she would have taken every chance to poke fun at it. We survived, no one has turned in to a Zombie. Hell, I was demanding double time and a half to clear out zombies. I think my boss looks at me slightly different now. Bout time!
The game needs to have more then gym,train, crime, attack, repeat. Wake it up. do more, be more. Or this is the zombie land.......

"You can get more of what you want with a Kind word and a Gun, then you can with just a kind word" -- Al Capone

Messages In This Thread
longing for the good old days - Aqualung451 - 2012.Dec.22 05:00 AM